My first & foremost niece just arrived in the family on 30th March 2008.
Named as Mysha Nabeeha bt Mohd Nubli by her mummy (that's what she will be calling me once she start mumbling)... She's so cute with her big round eyes and dimples on both of her cheeks. can't wait for my next trip back home to meet you my sweet little darling... mummy misses you so much dearie...hope that u'll bring more joy & happiness into the family darling...
she is CUTE!
and love the name too! gud choice! ;)
btw, congrats mummy ;D
Yup, I can see the picture now.
Congrats mummy Sarra!!
Syok je tgk baby ni tido : )
:/: Fififlafla Idiom :/:
Lama Tak drop by...
Yes.. u must be a pround aunty!!
p/s- Nice lay out!
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