When being asked why am i still single, my standard answer will always be still searching for my Mr Right. But am i really in searching mode right now?
Yesterday something came over me...make me rethink again about something... I am still not really searching for someone to spend my life together with cos once i've been told that always expect the unexpected n' love..especially love always hide from u when u search for it n u will always found it when u less expected...
But that's not the thing that me rethink...
I am not just searching/waiting for my Mr Right but also I am trying to find someone that I can really trust, enuf for me to jeopardize my life in his hand...I must admit that I have a trust issue..BIG time! always doubt about how others feeling toward me... Sometimes even to the point that arguing with myself why he wants to be with me in the first place when he can spend his time with other pretty women...
But, I dont blame myself for that...they(refer to the boys/men) always give me a GOOD reasons to not to trust 'em...yeah rite..they are not lying just not telling the truth(what they always say)... U'll mad at me if i told u the truth (of course, that's why u need not to do it in the first place)...
So, to summarize this what i need to do is.....NOTHING....Maybe i'll try to focus more on my work n along the way if i found someone who want to tag along in my journey n he is worth to be trusted then i'll give him a chance to get to know me better...before he makes any promises or gives any hopes...B'cos i tell you..i am one crazy @ mentally disturb girl, so they needs to be warned first :)
1 comment:
I do agree on the crazy side gul..hehe, on the positive side though, you are still young and plenty of time to find the one..and one thing for sure, things happen for a reasons and always..do always learnt sumthing from wat has happen along the way..
take care, it been so long since we talk kan..
betsy daisy..
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