You get what you see, when you see what I've got
We live in the real world, I'm just a real girl
I know exactly where I stand
And all I can do is be true to myself
I don't need permission from nobody else
'Cause this is the real world, I'm not a little girl
I know exactly who I am”
(Real girl by Mutya Buena)
We always think that we know ourselves better than others, are we? We intend to believe that we are forever, and always ourselves isn’t it? How sure are we?
Sometimes I can sense that I’m not being myself at all (especially in front of someone I had a crush on ). I tend to try very hard to expose (?) myself, to make him notice me. I always end up doing something that he likes thou I’m not sure whether I enjoy doing it. Yet still I want him to accept me as I am. Silly me.
If you want that special someone to like you just the way you are so try very hard to be yourself whenever and wherever you are. I’m telling this to myself also as I realize how forgetful I can be sometimes.
It's so gud (and relief ) to know that he loves u just the way u are not the way he want u to be....
Oh..where are thee my Prince Charming? i'm waiting patiently for u to come and save me from this misery of loneliness....
fififlafla idiom :/:
sincerity come when its real. I adore u being real.Coz that is what you are. where everything comes from heart..that make me cherish u even more ..
thanks babe...i hope dat i'll always stay that way n if not pls do knock me on the head ek ;)
fififlafla idiom :/:
berpijak biarlah di atas bumi yang nyata... Kan!
it's not wrong to have hope and dream...for that can be a good reason to smile each passing day...
but to be someone that you are not..that's the greatest lie's to urself.....
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