I'm happy...
When my alarm clock wake me up at 6.30am this morning...I'm happy...
When i saw the sunrise from my window this morning...
I'm happy...
when i felt the morning breeze on my face this morning...
I'm happy...
When the first drop of cold water from the shower touched my skin this morning...
I'm happy...
When i get dressed this morning...
I'm happy...
When i walked to my car this morning...
I'm happy...
When i drank my teh tarik n eat my capati this morning...
I'm happy...
when i pulled out my chair and placed my laptop on my workstation this morning...
I'm happy...
when i'm doing my unfinished work this morning...
I'm happy and i cant stop smiling...
I cant stop smiling cos i'm happy...
I'm happy cos i choose to be happy this morning...
And I choose to be happy because of "U"...
wow..gumbiranya sarra..glad to hear this from u..hihi..
good to you actualy......forget about previous episode of life...
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