To live one life till the end without regretting anything, is it possible? Have it ever occur to you that u wish u can turn back time and change something? I do. It’s not because I regret about the decision I’d took or the way I handle things but I just want to know instead of taking the right path, what will happen if I take the left one?(end up in a drain, maybe?) What will I be doing rite now if I accept my ex-boyfriend proposal 5 years ago?(housewife, locked up in mi casa with maybe 3 kids?) Which school will I be teaching rite now if I choose to take the KPLI offer instead of staying with my current company?( got add rm1500 for allowance – teaching at rural area in S’wak @ Sabah?). Hmmm…
If only I could turn back time, I wouldn’t change a thing. I know everything happened for a reason. I do make wrong decisions, said stupid things, broke many hearts, make my mum cried but I learn a lot from it too. You can learn a lot from ur life or ur friends’ life or anyone around u. it can make u stronger n matured. Something u cannot buy with ur money.
But for now, I’m happy with my life. Yes, still got room for improvement but I don’t want to rush. I don’t need to rush actually. I just want to take a step at a time...
If only I could turn back time, I wouldn’t change a thing. I know everything happened for a reason. I do make wrong decisions, said stupid things, broke many hearts, make my mum cried but I learn a lot from it too. You can learn a lot from ur life or ur friends’ life or anyone around u. it can make u stronger n matured. Something u cannot buy with ur money.
But for now, I’m happy with my life. Yes, still got room for improvement but I don’t want to rush. I don’t need to rush actually. I just want to take a step at a time...
1 comment:
yeah..i wish i could turn everything back..and make everyone happy..i wish.
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