while i was whining about my life, i had been reminded by a good friend of mine; happiness is a choice not a fate... thou i cant wholly accept it, i try very hard to take it as a challenge for me to help myself to find my own happiness... but first i think i need a clear definition of happiness at least for myself...
what is the thing that can really make me happy, that can give me the 100% happiness i'm looking for...
is it the big money and possessions i want the most?
is it the power to manipulate people i eager to have?
or is it the companionship that i'm lacking of rite now that i needed the most?
i want to be happy, really really want to be happy... i'm tired of this sadness that keep on haunting me wherever i go...
but i'm afraid of it also...i'm afraid that when i finally found the happiness that i've been looking for i will lose it.. cos i'm not good at keeping things..i keep on misplaced or lost them..so how?
oh rain..please do come down and wash away all the misery, sadness,troubles and heartache that had been hugging me all this while...let them flow away, far far away from me...
Now Playing: Menghapus Jejakmu, by Peterpan
What about 'Big Girl dont cry'by Fergie? sesuai tak?
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