As the only girl in the family, I'm so super close with my mama... to call & update her my everyday life is a must....
I am so used to her nag when I ain't listen to her advise...
so used to her laugh when i tell her funny stories...
I am so used to her motivated words when I am down...
so used to her tears when she's hurt...
to gossip with her about almost everything around her & me...
to share with her my trouble and hers...
to cry on her shoulder while she comforting me with her smile...
but now...
since more than a month now...
I miss her nagging me...
I miss her comforting words...
I miss her... I miss everything that she used to be to me....
though I still have her as she is now...
I really hope that she will get well soon...
cos i cant take it any longer...
the burden inside that i've been ignoring...
with the thought that once she's ok..I'll tell her about my sorrow...
about all the trouble... about all the sadness and worry....
since she's the only one i trust with my life....
I love you...
no matter what happen to you...
my love for you will always stay the same...
as I told you before...
I'll take care of you...
till my last breath...

Insyaallah.. mama sarra akan sihat & kembali mendengar luahan rasa anak kesayangan nya...
p/s: kita sama2 doa yer... :)
Kak Eira,
thanks a lot for ur support. sangat hargainya... pray for her is what I always do now...really hope that she'll get well soon..
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