Monday, December 3, 2007

is it...

is it possible to love again?
when there's no more love to share...
is it possible to trust again?
when trust is no where to find...
is it possible to enjoy life again?
when misery is always by my side...
is it possible to give hope again?
when i'm tired of waiting...


mIsS wEeDa said...

hye sarra..
u don't know me..
juz to tell u that ur blog is one of my feveret stop.

this entry, reaaaaaaally makes me feel so sad..

i've been there.. and still hanging to it.. hurmm..

sorry for menyibuk ye..

Sarra said...

hye miss weeda,
actually to tell u the truth, i oso read ur blog on daily basis :)
ur blog is soo cute, mcm u jugak...
neway, u sabar ek.. n kiter sama2 sabar...
take care tau..

mIsS wEeDa said...

same to u sarra
and pls do keep on blogging.. :)